We film videos, take photos, and edit content.

From concept to distribution, we express your mission through video and photo content.

Anything you need filmed, we have you covered.

Our capabilities include long form, short form, digital course creation, short documentaries, interviews, landing pages, commercials, web series, events, social media, aerial drone coverage, music videos, travel & hospitality, real estate… did we miss anything?

We operate with a small team, saving you money.

We run all of my productions very light, meaning you pay less. One to two people will be handling everything from flying a drone to setting up audio and lighting for a multi-camera interview, and everything in between.

My Music

Let’s Connect

Who I Am

Hunter’s passion for creating through the digital video and photo medium began in 2010 when he discovered Adobe Photoshop. Beginning with graphic design, Hunter slowly moved into the photography space where he learned Lightroom. This brought an increased curiosity in cameras, which led him to videography and editing in Premiere Pro and After Effects, where he has spent the majority of his time. Outside of honing in his craft behind a camera and computer, he also produces music, enjoys exploring the outdoors, is usually barefoot, and makes movement, fitness, and a healthy diet a daily priority.

Hunter’s small creative team consists of editors and social media specialists who support each brand’s mission. The team takes pride in fostering relationships with each client. Hunter has no desire to scale beyond a handful of selected clients, as this ultimately lowers the quality and personality of the creative energy needed for each client. Instead, the focus is on a long and healthy relationship with each client. This allows for everyone to feel valued, seen, and ultimately, allows everyone to fulfill their desired purpose.